Written by: Hannah Geelhoed, Community Involvement Director
Each year SpendMend employees get together to collect money for Toys 4 Tots Kent County. Between our employees and the company match we were able to raise over $1500!
We make sure to plan ahead so we can get the most bang for our buck! We send our Shared Service Manager, Cindy Allen, out on Black Friday to get all the deals and purchase the most amount of goodies. This year we were able to donate over 200 different toys for all ages.
I couldn’t be more proud to work for a company that puts their time, finances, and efforts towards giving back to children in our area. Over 30K toys were distributed to over 10K children.
Check out our TMI Tuesday on LinkedIn featuring all-star philanthropist, Joey Childs, and his Toy Drive HERE!
Toys were distributed on December 21st. If you are interested in donating on SpendMend’s behalf please contact:
Jeffery DeJonge