by SpendMend Team | Nov 12, 2019 | Blogs
Written By: Jill Ulliman, System Director, Accounts Payable at OhioHealth Corporation I recently shared a story with a long-time colleague from the Recovery Audit firm, SpendMend, about a session I attended this past year at the annual IOFM conference. After...
by SpendMend Team | Nov 12, 2019 | Blogs
Written By: Amanda Geelhoed Papach, Marketing Director Seven years ago I was tasked with finding a way for our employees to give back to our clients. The same week that I was given this project Super Storm Sandy hit the east coast. There was a nationwide call for...
by SpendMend Team | Oct 31, 2019 | Blogs
Written by: Amanda Geelhoed Papach, As kids, my sisters and I would travel from our small quiet street to a giant neighborhood. We would head to our uncle’s house where we would meet up with cousins and friends and fuel up with pizza before the...
by SpendMend Team | Oct 3, 2019 | Blogs
Written By: Michael Koory, RVP of Sales 4 Innovative Ways to Contain Healthcare Financial Leakage The financial risk to health systems has never been higher. Decades of reimbursement reductions coupled with operating cost increases have left health systems executives...
by SpendMend Team | Sep 24, 2019 | Blogs
During last month’s webinar we hosted (click here to watch) about the steep fines hospitals are facing due to Medical Device credits and the confusion surrounding the status of warranties for certain devices an attendee posed the questions: Do you have to send...
by SpendMend Team | Sep 10, 2019 | Blogs
Written By: Alan J. Brander, CSO at SpendMend, Medical Device warranty tracking and credit payments have become a focal point for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), as evidenced by several new requirements in past last ten...