Telehealth and the 340B Patient Definition

Telehealth and the 340B Patient Definition

Unless you have been living under a rock the past several months, you know that the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) has dramatically impacted how both hospital and clinic providers strategize to provide healthcare to patients, including remotely via telehealth...
340B Program Legislative & Regulatory Update

340B Program Legislative & Regulatory Update

For those of us in the 340B program trenches, it feels like we are constantly under assault from our legislatures (e.g., Senate and House bills with detrimental effects on 340B), regulatory agencies (e.g., CMS reimbursement, HHS/HRSA interpretations of the law), drug...
10 Tips for Working From Home With Your Kids

10 Tips for Working From Home With Your Kids

Written By: Amanda Geelhoed Papach, Director of Marketing, SpendMend, COVID-19 has rocked the world and our culture over the last month erupting in cancellations of schools, day care, work, holidays, professional sports seasons, and even the...