HRSA Allows for Immediate 340B Use at PBDs/HOPDs

HRSA Allows for Immediate 340B Use at PBDs/HOPDs

Several Apexus frequently asked questions (FAQs) have been released recently that have been interpreted to mean hospital 340B CEs will no longer need to wait to use 340B drugs at new or relocated provider-based clinics. Turnkey is just as pleasantly surprised as you...
Change, Complexity and Compliance in a Pandemic

Change, Complexity and Compliance in a Pandemic

Written By: Michael Koory, Regional Vice President of Sales – Mid America Does anyone else want to start 2020 all over again? Roll back the time and start over? Take a minute and think back to your 2020 planning session. Were you were making plans for managing a...


Some call it Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.  Others call it Corona Virus disease of 2019. Many like to say Covid-19 or just plain Corona. Anyway you say it, it brings up many emotions for nearly every American. Everyone in our society has been impacted in some way. The...