by SpendMend Team | Aug 4, 2021 | Blogs
Written By: Jake Thompson, Earlier this month we announced that the 340B Referral Capture program has been made available to all current and new clients moving forward. Since this announcement, we have been receiving calls daily...
by SpendMend Team | Jul 14, 2021 | Blogs
Similar to the often used phrase “be sure this is included in your policy and procedures”, auditors get the same satisfaction by telling folks that “this needs to be included as part of your routine self-auditing”. It is easy to assume clean sites don’t need much...
by SpendMend Team | Jul 7, 2021 | Blogs
Written By; David Hewitt, RVP of Sales – East What are the basics for a Recovery Audit provider? At minimum your Recovery Audit firm should be checking all the following boxes. Working offsite/Remote access Online claims delivery Data files (AP, Vendor Master,...
by SpendMend Team | Jun 16, 2021 | Blogs
Written by: Joe Heminger, Business Development Manager So, why is your process for reporting medical device credits falling short? The Office of Inspector General (OIG) performed a review of cardiac device credits to determine whether hospitals complied with Medicare...
by SpendMend Team | Jun 14, 2021 | Blogs
If you are in the 340B space, then it is likely you are well aware of the 340B contract pharmacy pricing battle occurring between 6 manufacturers and Health and Human Services (HHS). Let’s do a quick update of how we got here and the recent monumental shift from HHS...
by SpendMend Team | May 28, 2021 | Blogs
Memorial Day is the most poignant and bittersweet holidays in the United States. It’s the day dedicated to the fallen. Those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so the rest of us can enjoy the privilege and responsibility of freedom. Often seen as the official start of...